Here's something I should do more often, capture the little every day moments that slip away so quickly. My family goes to get doughnuts quit often ( we used to go every Friday morning for breakfast ). Now, we go a little less. I've never carried my camera to capture days like these. Though I should carry it with me more, I know that now. These pictures have become my favorites of Jordan and Norah because it's just them being themselves. They are growing up so fast, I wish I could slow the process down. Perhaps with my camera, I can slow down some of these moments. My goal was to capture the ordinary and make it extraordinary.
We so often take these moments for granted when God has Blessed us with them. God has given us these moments to cherish.
So, my advice to myself and to those reading this: Make More Days a Krispy Kreme Kind of Day!
And, this one is one of my favorites, because look at how Norah looks up at her brother: